Thursday, July 12, 2012

How Lebron James Won His First NBA Championship Title

Let me start off by saying I don't personally know Lebron James but I did know he would win his first championship title this year and let me explain why. Last year when Lebron decided to leave the Cleveland Cavs and play for the Miami Heat, he stirred up a lot of controversy.  Regardless of what his motivation was for leaving, I gave him credit for taking a risk.  He did it without caring what people would say.  He made a choice.  Now his first year with Miami was without question the most mentally taxing year he's ever had. Not because he was new to the team and had to formulate a bond so they could optimize their performance as a unit but this is why-

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

When I think of the word independence, I think of Freedom.  Not only are we blessed with the freedoms that we have as Americans, but we were created with certain inalienable spiritual freedoms as well.  We were made in the image of God with the freedom, power and authority to speak things into existence in our lives.  We are free to change any adverse condition in our lives simply with a thought.  This is true freedom.  Sadly, most people are aware of their freedoms as Americans moreso than their freedoms as majestic, spiritual creatures with the same dominion Jesus had when He walked the earth.  The greatest day in a person's life is the day he awakens to the truth of who he is.  Freedom is being completely independent from a lack mentality and free to create a life that is beyond our wildest imaginations.  So today celebrate all of the blessings we've been given, and this beautiful land we live in called America but don't forget you are truly free, spirit, soul and body! Now that's Freedom!

Monday, July 2, 2012

I Make My Own Sunshine

Have you seen the Lowe's commercial? You know the one that shows a woman rolling out a carpet of thick, green, grass already filled with these fuzzy, pink flowers accompanied by this incredibly peppy song? I found the song on Youtube by Alyssa Bonagura called "I Make My Own Sunshine" and fell in love with it! Thank you Alyssa! It really does make me feel like the sun is shining on me when I hear it. So for all of my friends that experience the Monday blues- listen to this for a pick me up: i make my own
You can also download her song from itunes here:

Sunday, July 1, 2012

3 Important Ways You Can Achieve Laser Focus

Can you believe we are entering into the second half of 2012? Hopefully, you are closely monitoring your progress this year and have been able to cross off some completed goals from your list.  Daily planning is a crucial way of accomplishing your girls. I, for one, am learning to do a better job of planning my day so I can get that much closer to accomplishing my goals this year.  It's such a great feeling to have accomplished something.  So here are some tools you can add to  your toolbox for staying focused.

Tag Team
One way is to find a partner to which you can be accountable.  Meet weekly and discuss your long-term goals, short-term goals and discuss your status on completed goals for that week.
This can help motivate you knowing you'll have to provide some kind of status report that week.  It's also a great way to get feedback on current projects.  For example, my best friend and I, meet regularly to discuss our writing projects.  We motivate each other to keep going and the positive energy generated in these meetings sometimes inspire new projects.

Pocket List
Keep a list of your goals on and index card and carry around with you everywhere you go.  I actually have a million dollar bill that has my goals written on it, which I carry in my bra. Hey, whatever works for you, right?  It's a daily reminder of what I'm working towards and everytime I remember it's there I make a conscious decision to smile and give thanks that my goals have been completed. 

Design your life.  Take a moment in the morning, when your subconscious mind is most susceptible to suggestion, to visualize in all 5 senses the life of your dreams.  Be very specific.  Your subconscious doesn't know it's not real.  Do this again before you go to sleep.

These techniques are highly effective.  Soon the year will be over and you'll be sitting down to create new resolutions for another highly productive year!

Here are some more effective techniques: